It can be hard for pet parents to see their dogs suddenly start limping because it shows that their companion is in possible pain. However, answering the question, “Why is my dog limping?” requires a closer look. Various factors can contribute to a dog’s lameness, from injuries and sprains to joint problems and more serious underlying conditions.
Here are some of the factors that can result in canine leg pain further explained:
1. Injuries
Injuries, such as broken bones, torn nails, sprains, and strains, can cause sudden limping in dogs. Other causes of leg injuries in dogs could be sharp or rough objects that cause paw injuries. Jumping, running, or playing fetch can lead to injuries and lameness as well.
2. Foreign Objects
Foreign objects like nails, thorns, or glass in a dog’s paw will make your furry friend uncomfortable. When this occurs, your dog will limp to avoid putting weight on the affected leg. Insect stings to the foot cause a similarly painful reaction. You may also notice your dog licking or chewing at a paw excessively.
3. Joint Disease
Certain joint diseases like hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, osteoarthritis, osteochondritis, and Lyme disease can cause gradual onset limping in dogs.
4. Muscle or Ligament Tears
Strained or torn muscles, tendons, or ligaments can cause limping and pain in your dog. These tears can result from direct or indirect injury or strain from overstretching when running or jumping. Another cause of muscle or ligament tears can be a direct injury from bone fracture or deep cuts.
5. Infections or Abscesses
Your dog can also limp if it gets into a fight with other pets or wild animals and sustains scratches or bites. In fact, dog-to-dog bite wounds (DBW) account for 10 to 15% of trauma cases in veterinary clinics. If these scratches and bites aren’t treated immediately, bacteria can enter the wound and cause infections, pain, and lameness in dogs.
Related reading: Dog Wound Care: How to Treat Them
6. Cancer
Soft tissue tumors, also known as soft tissue sarcomas, account for about 15% of all skin cancers in dogs. These tumors can develop in or around muscles, tendons, or ligaments. Depending on the tumor’s location, it can interfere with the normal functioning of these tissues, resulting in pain, swelling, and reduced mobility. Osteosarcoma, or bone cancer, can also cause swelling, pain, and lameness in the affected limb.
When to Seek Veterinary Care
Emergency veterinary care should be sought for acute trauma or injury leading to lameness. Lameness without any visible signs or history of injury could indicate arthritis or osteosarcoma, a type of cancer that also affects bones.
In addition to a thorough examination, your veterinarian will recommend radiographs (x-rays) and potentially more advanced imaging (MRI or CT) to diagnose.
You should seek veterinary care if your dog’s limp is becoming more noticeable instead of improving. If you observe other symptoms, such as trembling, vocalization, bleeding, large swellings, behavior change, fever, lethargy, or limb dragging, you should rush your furry friend to the veterinarian for treatment.
Veterinary Diagnosis and Examination
Since you may not know how to treat a dog limping on a front leg or back leg, your veterinarian will guide you. Your veterinarian will perform a complete evaluation, including an orthopedic examination, as well as veterinary diagnostic imaging to evaluate for bone and/or soft tissue abnormalities. They may also suggest blood work to ascertain organ function and blood cell counts.
Treatment Options for a Limping Dog
Depending on the cause of your dog’s limping, your veterinarian may prescribe medication for pain management and to relieve inflammation, recommend surgery, and/or advise rest.
Additionally, splints, supplements, and/or physical therapy may be recommended to address your dog’s lameness.
Home care and support
Most conditions cannot be treated entirely at home, although many dogs will benefit from in-home care. You can reduce your dog’s pain and swelling by applying a cold compress or ice pack twice daily for about 15 minutes for sprains, muscle injuries, and bruises. However, ensure you follow your veterinarian’s treatment plan.
Alternative therapies
Your veterinarian may also recommend alternative therapies such as acupuncture, chiropractic care, or hydrotherapy to help improve your dog’s mobility.
Preventing Limping in Dogs
Schedule regular checkups with your veterinarian to monitor your dog’s overall health, particularly ensuring their body condition and weight are within the healthy range. Avoid excessive or repetitive activities or high-impact exercises that can strain joints. Consult your veterinarian to determine your dog’s ideal weight to ensure good joint health.
Schedule a veterinary visit if you notice severe or gradual limping in your dog so your beloved pet can feel better. Take preventative measures to ensure your dog is healthy at all times.
Frequently Asked Questions
What does it mean if my dog is limping but shows no signs of pain?
It is common for owners to expect their dog will vocalize when in pain, but this is not always the case. Favoring a limb can signify pain and may be coupled with other symptoms, including reluctance to engage in normal activities, avoidance of stairs, and inability to jump.
Can I give my dog aspirin for a limp?
No. Aspirin and other medications can cause severe side effects when the wrong dose is given or in the wrong situations. If you feel the need to give your pet medication to relieve pain, you should contact a veterinarian.
Why is my dog limping after sleeping?
If your dog is limping after sleeping, it could be due to temporary stiffness or discomfort caused by osteoarthritis. Consult a veterinarian to rule out any underlying issues.