When you’re having difficulty keeping on top of your regular schedule encouraging new business can seem daunting. However, every business needs new clients to maintain or grow its revenues. It’s particularly important to give your staff the time and incentive to fit these new clients in so that these first appointments can be as positive as possible.
1. Plan
If you want to make new clients a priority, you need to plan for this, so set aside a few slots each day for new client appointments. If you don’t use them, you can fill them on the day with emergencies, or leave them to allow your staff a little extra breathing time between consults.
2. Prioritize
New client appointments can be done at any time, so plan for them at low-volume points in your week. Keep evenings and weekends free for emergencies, and try to book your new clients in for a mid-week, middle-of-the-day appointment.
New client appointments can be done at any time, so plan for them at low-volume points in your week.
3. Prepare
A lot of the time at the first clinic visit is spent on paperwork. Try and do some of this in advance, either by sending clients the forms before their appointment, or having them fill it out online. That way, the precious clinic time can be kept for the important stuff.
4. Pre-book
A lot of new client appointments are for routine things – vaccinations, neuterings, growth checks, and so on – which can be booked well in advance. Try to anticipate these appointments and get them in the schedule so you can spread out your workload more evenly rather than being suddenly overwhelmed.
Finding the right balance between maintaining your current base and welcoming new clients can be difficult. Done incorrectly, it can lead to poor customer experiences and resentment from staff. However, with a little forward planning, you can integrate these first appointments into your schedule with a minimal stress!