If your dog is at all food-motivated you’ll know the sinking feeling of watching them scarf something they shouldn’t have. Whether your dog got into the fresh bag of dry cat food or whether you found them chewing on a pouch in the park, you need to know whether dogs can eat cat food without getting sick. The good news is that most dogs can eat cat food occasionally without too much problem – but read on to check your dog will be ok with the feline feast they’ve just gobbled!
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Are Cat Food and Dog Food the Same?
Dog food and cat food might look similar, but they’re subtly different. Cats have different nutritional needs to dogs, meaning their food – whether wet or dry – is slightly different. But, does that mean that dogs can eat cat food? Cat food is usually fattier than dog food, as cats get most of their energy from fat. It also contains higher protein levels and may vary in the vitamin and mineral content. For instance, cat foods often have added taurine — or enough protein that sufficient taurine levels are guaranteed — but dog foods rarely do.
Cats have different nutritional needs to dogs, meaning their food – whether wet or dry – is slightly different.
Can Dogs Eat Cat Food? Will it Make Them Sick?
Although cat food and dog food are slightly different, there’s nothing in cat food that’s toxic to dogs. However, cat food is generally richer than dog food, which may cause dogs to be sick if your dogs eat cat food. The high fat levels in cat food can spark pancreatitis in some dogs after eating cat food, which causes vomiting, and can even be fatal. Having said this, most dogs who eat cat food will be absolutely fine, while some will have a mild gastric upset, which is made more likely the more they eat. This is the case for both wet cat food and dry cat food.
Of course, eating cat food that has gone rancid or moldy is more of a concern. When dogs eat cat food that is expired, you should contact a veterinarian for advice, as mold can be toxic.
Can Dogs Eat Cat Food in an Emergency?
If you have run out of dog food, you might be thinking of feeding cat food to your dog. So, can you give cat food to your dog to eat in an emergency?
Most dogs will be fine if they eat cat food as a once-off, especially if you don’t feed them too much. But you should avoid it as some dogs that are prone to an upset stomach, or health problems like those that have had pancreatitis in the past after they eat cat food.
You should also avoid feeding cat food to your dog if they have kidney problems or liver disease. The right balance with dogs eating cat food has to be struck. Otherwise, feeding cat food to dogs for a day is probably fine, although be aware that some dogs will react to the cat food’s richness even if they don’t have an underlying problem. You could feed cat food mixed with dog food or mix it with cooked rice to make it less rich.
You should avoid giving cat food to dogs that are prone to an upset stomach or those that have had pancreatitis in the past.
Can Dogs Eat Cat Food Long Term?
Long-term, it’s not a good idea for most dogs to be eating cat food. The higher protein and fat content in cat food can cause obesity, and the difference in vitamin and mineral content, although mild, can start to lead to problems if the food is fed for a long time.
It goes without saying that soem dogs love cat food and cat treats and will even steal from the cat;s bowl. Feeding your dog cat food occasionally is fine, if they are healthy adult dogs.
Cat food is also often more expensive than dog food, so if your dogs eat cat food, you might be spending more money in the long-term. Meaning you could be spending more than you need to to keep your dog happy and healthy by giving dogs cat food to eat. You should especially avoid long-term feeding of cat food to dogs with pancreatitis, sensitive guts, kidney problems, liver problems, or puppies under a year old. Those dogs require a meat based protein or home prepared diets as they have a sensitive stomach.
If dogs eat cat food, there are still benefits that some dogs would have gotten from cat food, if they are healthy adult dogs. Be sure to monitor your dog’s health after they eat cat food. These are the old and ill pets, who might need the more palatable food as encouragement to eat. The higher protein and fat content mean cat foods are often more calorific than dog foods, allowing ill pets to consume their daily requirements without needing to physically eat as much.
However, because different illnesses will have different nutritional requirements, you should talk to a veterinarian before changing your dog’s food.
If your fussy dog seems to prefer cat food, you might want to feed it to them, but this isn’t a good idea. Instead, look at finding a dog food with a higher protein or fat content than your current food.
Beware though, foods higher in protein and fat may be tastier, but your dog will need less of them as they’ll be more calorific – so this isn’t recommended if your dog is greedy or on a diet, as they’ll struggle to adjust to getting less food.
If your fussy dog seems to prefer cat food, you might want to feed it to them, but this isn’t a good idea.
And Vice Versa? Can Cats Eat Dog Food?
On the other side of the coin, you might be surprised to hear that cats should not eat dog food. This is because dog food doesn’t have enough taurine for cats.
Dog food doesn’t tend to have added taurine – it’s not an essential nutrient for dogs, who can make their own from other amino acids in their diets. Cats, on the other hand, can’t synthesize taurine – they need to eat it in their diet.
Cats eating dog food will almost certainly not be getting sufficient taurine. While this isn’t a problem for a very short time (less than a day), cats shouldn’t eat dog food long-term.
Luckily for pet parents of greedy escape artists, dogs can eat cat food safely if it is a few bites of cat food, although it’s not ideal as a long-term nutritional option for most dogs. Some dogs will get mild gastrointestinal upset, sensitive stomachs or health issues after eating cat food as it’s so rich, but keep an eye out for signs that they are not recovering or have developed pancreatitis, which needs treating by a veterinarian.
Most dogs who eat cat food will be absolutely fine, especially if it’s just a one-off. But cat food is high in protein and fat and will be too rich for some dogs. You should be especially careful about letting your dog eat cat food if your dog has a sensitive stomach, kidney disease, liver disease, or a history of pancreatitis.
Unless your dog has an underlying illness, it’s ok to feed a dog cat food in an emergency. However, some dogs will get vomiting or diarrhea as cat food is richer than dog food. If your dog has an underlying illness like kidney disease or liver disease, or is prone to an upset stomach, it’s best not to feed them cat food.
Cat food is usually higher in protein and fat compared to dog food. This makes it more palatable (tasty), so it’s common for dogs to prefer cat food to dog food. If your dog isn’t enjoying his food consider looking for something a little higher in protein, assuming they don’t have any conditions that would make this a bad idea of course!